You have taken a lot of effort to recognise your team - even put a Recognition Program in place! Yet, the response shows that your employees do not feel recognised enough. If that is the direction you are heading, you are not alone.
A recent survey showed:
51% of managers believe they do a good job of recognising employees for work well done. Yet only 17% of employees believe their manager does a good job of recognising them for doing a work well done.
Some of the clues can be found in a wonderful sharing by Dr. Paul White on the “Practical Ways to use the 5 Languages of Appreciation.”
The nutshell?
Different employee value different Language of Appreciation. There are 5 broad categories:
Don't rely on Recognition Programs to create an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. Observe each and every team member - how would they best receive an authentic appreciation?
One size clearly does not fit all.
Thanks, Dr Paul White for the sharing and WBECS team for organising.
Written by: #WendyWong, a #Leadership Coach at #Petadiri.