I was very honoured to be the moderator today for the Session entitled, Mastery and Mystery by \Professor Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu. Mastery and Mystery is about balancing our desire to control and our need to let go.
Professor Stephen is currently in his 17th year in Stanford University, California as Consulting Professor and the Head of Heartfulness Lab. Heartfulness is a way of being based in mindfulness, compassion, and responsibility, synthesising the arts and the science.
He has also taught in Harvard University, Boston University of Medicine, Fielding Graduate University, University of Tokyo and Temple University Japan.
He is trained in East Asian medicine, yoga, and Zen and received a doctorate in clinical and community psychology from Harvard University.
And… that’s not all…Professor Stephen is a TedX Speaker and He has authored numerous books in both English and Japanese, for example:
From Mindfulness to Heartfulness - Transforming Self and Society with compassion,
Another, entitled Synergy, Healing and Empowerment - Talks about insights on Cultural Diversity. He also authored another book entitled: When Half is Whole - Multi Ethnic Asian American Identities
Key take aways are
(1) a Deeper awareness of human dilemma
(2) Understanding what does it take to cultivate self transformation
(3) You’d take away practical practices that we hope, will give you value.
I know you are keen to hear what the Professor has to say! So please go to this link:
or my Linkedin Page below
Big Thank You to ICF Malaysia.
I am #CoachWendy Wong, passionate about helping Talents optimise potential by building leadership skills.